RECORD, PLAYBACK and SHARE your GPX activity with friends.
GeoFake 0.9.1(beta) released
GeoFake.framework 0.9.1(beta) has been released.
Fixed minor bugs.
Posted on 2014/02/02.
Install GeoPlayer
How to use GeoPlayer
Video tutorial
GeoPlayer documents
Step by step instruction to debug or demonstrate your app
What is GeoPlayer ?
Record your activity
Import/Export GPX
Playback activities
Share GPX
Connect to GeoPlayer clients
Simulate iBeacons
Repeat playback of location and motion data
Debug your GPS app with GeoPlayer
Debug your Motion app with GeoPlayer
GeoFake Class Interface
Dowload GeoFake framework
Dowload sample code
Step by step to debug/demo your app
GPX Library
Dowload GPX files
GeoPlayer2.0.0 released
GeoFake 1.0.0 released
GeoPlayer 1.2.0 released
GeoFake 0.9.1(beta) released
GeoPlayer has been released
English /